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The Oilers are 1 point away from 30th. And with this, the right to draft one or the other of the premiere players in the upcoming draft.

Now consider the Flames. They're right where the Oilers spent the last decade, with a team that's not good enough to go far but not bad enough to get the top draft picks. They're maxed to the cap, with a lot of heartless or disinterested players, and are basically fucked.

I almost feel sorry for them, because i know what they're about to go through.


Black Dog said...

Bastard! ;)

Worse thing is I hate that douche Ian White.

Well played.

hunter1909 said...


Nothing to worry about for a gentleman who just returned from the Emerald Isle.

Bruce said...

Ian White was exposed in Future Greats and Heartbreaks as being a douchebag and a real shitty teammate.